Saturday, August 6, 2016

Search engine optimization

                      -: Search Engine Optimization :-   

Search Engine Optimization Introduction:
         SEO is a process of keep changing the position of web page or website in a search engine result by using keywords or phrases.

Search Engines: A software which is designed to search on www as per the query of the users,
searching means find for something or someone in the search engines:

for example :
                       i want to search facebook in google search engine 


just type key words:
         in google search engine's search box
Example for search engines: google, yahoo,big ,,etc

Important components of search engine are:
a. web crawler./robot/spider
b. indexer
c. search Interface

a.web crawler:

  web crawler is nothing but a to find information on the hundreds of millions of web pages that exit.


    The component to categorize  and filter the pages based on content

c. search interface:

This search interface with which the user can access the search engine

Search Engine Architecture image:

 In this SEO two types of Search Engine Optimizations are available ,

           1. On-Page-Optimization.

          2. Off-Page-Optimization.

on page seo:{getting ranked but not always enogh}
           most important things for on page seo

1.keyword in domain sub domain
3.keyword in title
4.keyword in alt image
5.keyword in image name
6.keyword in head tag
7.outbound links to social media profiels
8.keyword in body 200 words
11.keyword up to two dases in sub directory
12.keyword in page name 1 dashes navigation links

off page seo:  (ensure your rankings)
in this we can do back link process
seven ways to get back links
1. Article Marketing(software, article, directories)
2.WEB 2.0 website(very powerful for back linking) book marking(social ADR ,only wire, social)
4.Forum posting
5.Blog commenting submission releas

 This one the best option to do a seo job